What is Brand Content marketing?

Qu’est-ce que le Brand Content marketing ?

L’Oréal, Amazon, Adidas, Apple… Do you know how these brands have become so successful? They all use the same digital strategy: brand content marketing. Without a commercial vocation, it will act on your sales by creating a strong link between brand and consumer. The idea is not to promote a product, but the image of your company! Here is a look at this incredible content marketing…

Definition of Brand Content Marketing

Content has become a strategic dimension in digital marketing. Beyond the simple presence of a brand on platforms, it is now essential to know how to tell a story, create engagement with content and provide a positive experience to Internet users. With competition in B2C content marketing and B2B content marketing increasing, the most difficult thing today is to emerge!

Subtle and almost invisible, digital brand content is a new approach to advertising that offers content so entertaining that customers seek it out and share it regularly. This unique form of emotional marketing uses storytelling to convey a brand’s message, thus reaching the heart of its target audience.

The objectives of Brand Content

Brand content can take the form of editorial content (advice, video tutorials, articles, forums, reports), but also other content such as games, exhibitions or books.

To boost your content strategy and create an emotional bond with your customers, brand storytelling is THE reference. But not only: the objectives of a brand content strategy can be multiple:

  • Bringing added value to individuals.
  • Boost the brand’s image.
  • Improve its online reputation.
  • Demonstrate the brand’s expertise on its universe.
  • Bypass the ad blocking phenomenon.
  • Capture the user’s attention without being commercial.
  • Increase visibility with earned media or inbound marketing.
  • Affirm a positioning.

Discover the very interesting results of a study on brand content marketing:

What types of brand content convert best?

To create branded content that generates engagement and action, you need to use the right channels! Here are 4 formats to better convert your readers into customers:

  1. Blog posts: 45% of digital professionals believe this is the most interesting type of content, as it provides readers with a maximum of information in a minimum of time.
  2. Infographics: a picture is worth a thousand words! To create viral content, infographics are the ideal format. And for good reason, they are 3 times more liked and shared than any other type of document on the web.
  3. Videos: according to a study conducted by Invodo.com, merchants using video have seen their sales increase by 40%.
  4. Social media posts: Many forms of content are attractive because they can be shared online. This element underscores the value of brands and businesses getting their message out on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social media!

Examples of successful brand content marketing

Traditional advertising is slowly disappearing. Companies are now focusing on a content strategy that spreads the spirit behind each product or service! To learn more, here are 3 examples that demonstrate the benefits of brand content for any business.

The Crambar communication campaign

“The relationship between Carambar and the French people is like a love story, from time to time, it must be revived”. This is how the confectionery brand justified, in March 2013, the hoax it staged!

Indeed, the announcement of the end of Carambar jokes, to replace them with edutainment content, had generated at the time a considerable buzz. Result: 50,000 tweets and 13,000 additional fans on Facebook in three days!

The Michelin success story before digital

Did you know that the concept of brand content was born long before digital? It all started with the Michelin brothers who launched, without realizing it, one of the greatest examples of brand content marketing campaigns: the famous Michelin Guide.

In the early 1900s, more than 35,000 copies of the first edition were distributed free of charge. Until the digital era, the Michelin Guide has consistently made its mark by offering an invitation to travel, to taste – and indirectly, to buy tires!

Red Bull, the king of content strategy

Whether it’s for car racing or extreme sports, Red Bull knows what it wants: thrills!

In terms of content creation, the brand is not to be outdone. Its flagship content is of course video and thanks to a constant production of these formats, it regularly feeds its site. Red Bull perfectly reflects the spirit and values of the brand.

On its social networks, the posts are numerous and all appeal to strong emotions. Aesthetics and adrenaline are at the heart of each post. This is why the community that follows the brand is huge!

Option Digitale is at your disposal to develop your brand content strategy. Our goal? To make you gain notoriety, enhance your brand image, and highlight your commitments!

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