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Creation of a showcase site for training organizations

Creation of a showcase site for training organizations

The importance of creating a showcase site for a training organization

A showcase site is a way to present your company’s products and services to potential clients. It can be used in a variety of ways, from creating a landing page for your business to showcasing the work you do for clients.

A showcase site can be an effective marketing tool for any business or creative professional. It is a way to inform potential clients of what you offer and how they can benefit from it.For a training organization, it is essential to have a website, whether it is for the presentation of training offers or for obtaining Qualiopi.

First of all, the use of a website allows to meet the requirements of the first criterion of the National Quality Standard.

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Criterion 1 of the National Quality Standards (NQS) details the conditions for informing the public about the services offered, the time required to access them and the results obtained. It therefore focuses on the conditions for informing potential beneficiaries, and therefore on the publicity of the training offer.

This first criterion is divided into three indicators:

  1. Indicator 1: The provider disseminates publicly accessible, detailed and verifiable information on the services offered: prerequisites, objectives, duration, terms and conditions and access times, fees, contacts, methods used and evaluation methods, accessibility for people with disabilities.


  2. Indicator 2: The service provider publishes results indicators adapted to the nature of the services provided and the target audience.


  3. Indicator 3: When the service provider implements services leading to professional certification, it provides information on the rates of achievement of the certifications prepared, the possibilities of validating one or more blocks of skills, as well as on equivalences, gateways, follow-up courses and job opportunities.

Supporting training organizations in creating training offerings

Thousands of training organizations are feeling the pressure to deliver more quality training offerings but struggle to find effective content and pedagogical delivery.

Option Digitale provides training delivery support for training organizations, helping them reduce the time and cost of developing training offerings.

We work with organizations that need help developing their skills and employ a team of professionals who have many years of experience in designing, developing and facilitating customized training solutions for organizations.

The way we work is that the organization contacts us to discuss their needs. We offer a free consultation. The consultation lasts an average of 10 minutes and includes an introduction to our company, the type of training options available and what our services include. After the consultation, we contact the company with three possible solutions to choose from. If they decide not to use any of these offerings, then Option Digitale does not charge anything for this service.

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SEO and sponsorship on search engines

The professional training market is becoming more and more saturated. There are more and more training organizations that have been created in recent years, which has led to increased competition between them.

New players in the market are competing with strong competition, hence the importance of being well positioned on the web and appearing on search engines.

Search engine marketing is a combination of techniques that include paid, natural and organic search engine optimization. The most common search engine optimization techniques are keyword research and on-site search engine optimization, so the first step is to understand your target market, your audience in order to deduce the set of keywords you will need to target.

Social media presence to gain customer trust:

Social media has become a powerful tool for companies to market their products and services. It has also become a must-have platform for companies that offer training and education. Indeed, social media is a place where people go to learn, share and connect with others.

Here are some reasons why your training organization should be on social media:

Social media is a great way to get your company's name out there.

It's a great way to build customer loyalty and engagement.

It is the best way to target specific customers who are looking for what you offer.

You can use social media for marketing research purposes by analyzing what people are saying about your business online or offline

You can use social media for advertising purposes by running ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.

Let Option Digitale help you enter the digital age and increase your chances in a competitive market.

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Element site web

100% Financing Opportunity

Today, Option Digitale has a proposal for you!

As a training organization, you can benefit from 100% financing to take advantage of our services.

Meet one of our consultants to learn more!

Here are our achievements in creating a showcase site