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Create a website

A special website just like your business

Your website is the first thing people see when they search for your business. It is a reflection of who you are and what you do.

We are OPTION DIGITALE, what we promise you is a unique design for your website. Depending on your needs, we are able to create for you: a showcase site, E-Commerce site or a specific site of your choice.

Element site web
Element site web

Showcase website creation

Why do you need to have a showcase website?

A website, or more precisely a showcase site is a key tool, it is among the main communication media, it allows you to present your company, your products and services of your business.

Creating a showcase site is to be present, visible on the web and this is what allows you to strengthen your brand image and awareness among Internet users and potential customers.

E-commerce website creation

Why should you open an online store?

Internet users are more and more used to shopping online. Having an e-commerce site has advantages compared to a physical store. No more constraints related to the crowd, the lack of time, in a few clicks and from their sofa, they can make purchases instantly, which will generate an increase in your revenues.  But how to find the right and optimized solution to sell your products?

Element site web
Element site web
Element site web
Element site web

Creation of a showcase site for training organizations

The importance of creating a showcase site for a training organization

A showcase site is a way to present your company’s products and services to potential clients. It can be used in a variety of ways, from creating a landing page for your business to showcasing the work you do for clients.

A showcase site can be an effective marketing tool for any business or creative professional. It is a way to inform potential clients of what you offer and how they can benefit from it. For a training organization, it is essential to have a website, whether it is for the presentation of training offers or for obtaining Qualiopi.

First of all, the use of a website allows to meet the requirements of the first criterion of the National Quality Standard.