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E-commerce website creation

E-commerce website creation

Why should you open an online store?

Internet users are more and more used to shopping online. Having an e-commerce site has advantages compared to a physical store. No more constraints related to the crowd, the lack of time, in a few clicks and from their sofa, they can make purchases instantly, which will generate an increase in your revenues.  But how to find the right and optimized solution to sell your products?

Element site web
Element site web
Element site web
Element site web

The advantages of an e-commerce site

Why choose Option Digitale to create your e-commerce site?

Creating an online catalog, configuring an e-commerce site and selling on the Internet requires certain technical skills. Whatever your sector of activity it is necessary to choose and use an e-business solution adapted to your business plan, as you know it, to create an e-commerce site allows you to have a profitable activity. By collaborating with our web agency, you guarantee to obtain a professional and functional e-commerce site.

Our commitments

Adaptive design

Elegant yet simple, design-quality website to make it easy to buy your products and present your products in an attractive way to customers. Let's build a unique e-commerce experience with a custom theme.

Secure payment methods

Your customers can buy the products they want with different payment gateways. We carefully select the working tools to be used, so that you only get the best.

Natural referencing

We make sure your content is optimized for search engines. Remember that SEO is the main ingredient to the success of any website.

User experience and ergonomics

For online sales, an intuitive design allows your customers to add their product to the cart and proceed to payment in a few clicks by choosing the mode that corresponds to them.

The right e-commerce solutions

We provide you with tailor-made e-commerce solutions, with the aim of efficiently meeting your expectations and the needs of your customers.

Marketing tools

We have the webmarketing tools to build customer loyalty through emails, referral systems, promotional codes or other tools you need.

It was a great pleasure to work with Option Digitale, we were impressed to see how well they understood what we wanted and how they made such an ergonomic site! Option Digitale is the web agency you can trust for the creation of a website. A big thank you for this partnership... The precious advices, the availability and the reactivity

Simon S

Commercial Director

Tailor-made offers for the creation of the e-commerce site

Pack Essentiel

3000 /TTC
  • Installation et configuration de la boutique e-commerce
  • Intégration du thème graphique
  • Site adapté aux terminaux mobile
  • Pages produits : illimitées
  • 5 pages : Catégories Mères
  • 1 langue
  • Alimentation du catalogue produit : jusqu'à 5 produits
  • Module de gestion des produits, des commandes, des promotions.
  • Mise en place de paiement en ligne
  • Page contact + plan d’accès
  • Hébergement + nom de domaine
  • Optimisation du site pour le référencement
  • Pages conditions générales de vente, informations livraisons et bancaires
  • Formation sur l’administration 1h
  • 5 Adresses mail

Pack Confort

4000 /TTC
  • Installation et configuration
  • Site adapté aux terminaux mobile
  • Pages produits : illimitées
  • 15 pages : Catégories Mères
  • 2 langues supplémentaires
  • Alimentation du catalogue produit : jusqu'à 15 produits
  • Module de Gestion de catalogue de produits, des commandes, des clients, des livraisons et des promotions
  • Mise en place de paiement en ligne
  • Page contact + plan d’accès
  • Hébergement + nom de domaine
  • Optimisation du site pour le référencement
  • Pages conditions générales de vente, informations livraisons et bancaires
  • Formation sur l’administration 2h
  • 10 Adresses mail

Pack Premium

4500 /TTC
  • Installation et configuration de la boutique e-commerce
  • Intégration du thème graphique
  • Site adapté aux terminaux mobile
  • Pages produits : illimitées
  • 15 pages : Catégories Mères
  • 1 langue
  • Alimentation du catalogue produit : jusqu'à 35 produits
  • Module de gestion des produits, des commandes, des promotions.
  • Mise en place de paiement en ligne
  • Page contact + plan d’accès
  • Hébergement + nom de domaine
  • Optimisation du site pour le référencement
  • Pages conditions générales de vente, informations livraisons et bancaires
  • Formation sur l’administration 3h
  • 15 Adresses mail