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Our digital offers

Our digital expertise

In an increasingly connected world, so-called “traditional” companies can no longer put off their digital projects. Digital native companies are also forced to stay digital.

Initiating and succeeding in a new digital project is not always an easy task for managers and business directors. And this is where the Optiondigitale experts come in, to support them in all stages of the digital strategy: from understanding the need to deploying the project.

The spectrum of our digital support offer is wide and adapts to all sizes of projects and budgets.

  • Benchmarking & competitor studies
  • Analysis of issues, opportunities and constraints
  • Development of specifications, and drafting of functional specifications
    Supporting teams during set-up
  • Feedback
  • Upgrade & improvement

Our services

We increase your performance

Showcase website creation

A showcase site is, as its name suggests, a site that consists of promoting a product, service or brand. It allows you to highlight your products, your services, your achievements, a reservation system and much more, without necessarily selling online.
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Création site E-commerce

An e-commerce site allows Internet users to carry out acts of purchase and sale of products and services on a Web platform rather than on a physical site. Through an e-commerce site, a business can process orders, accept payments, manage shipping, logistics, and provide customer service.
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Identité visuelle

When creating a business, it is necessary to establish the graphic universe of its brand. This universe will then be used in communication and all the tools whether paper (business cards, flyers), physical (windows, stands) or virtual (website, social networks).
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Conseils et stratégie digitale

The success of a company is based on an effective and decisive digital strategy on the segmentation, targeting, positioning and development of the offer. This ensures that the development of the marketing plan is grounded in market realities to best meet customer needs.
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Gestion et sponsorisation des réseaux sociaux

Creation and publication of content, development of a community of customers and influencers, it is thus a report and an analysis of the results of your efforts. Sponsorship on social networks can be adapted to fulfill many objectives, contact, traffic to the site, etc.
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Référencement sur les moteurs de recherche

SEO is a powerful way to reach new customers and generate revenue, from the outset, locate various information on the Internet Now more than ever, search engines are demanding a more targeted approach to keep your brand visible and remarkable.
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