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Referencing on search engines

SEO referencing

What are the benefits of using search engine optimization (SEO)?

The visibility of your website on search engines is essential for the development of your business! 

There are many benefits to search engine optimization, including higher search engine rankings, increased traffic and higher conversion rates. As a result, businesses can expect to generate more revenue. So here are some of the main benefits of SEO: Higher search engine rankings. Increased traffic. Higher conversion rates and therefore, more revenue.

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Element site web
Element site web
Element site web

SEA referencing

Why do you need to opt for search engine advertising (SEA)?

Search engine advertising is a great way to increase your web presence. With this, you can put your website or blog in front of customers who are looking for products or services like yours.

The key to search engine advertising is to make sure that you are targeting the right keywords relevant to your business. This will allow you to reach the people most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

Google Ads

Search Google Ads campaigns

Every second, billions of searches are performed on Google and the majority of search results pages contain Google ads paid for by businesses. Google ads are an effective way to drive relevant and qualified traffic to your website at the exact moment when people are looking for the types of products or services your business offers.

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Element site web
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Element site web


What are the objectives?

The ” Search ” type campaigns allow you to broadcast your ads to a large audience of users who are looking for your products or services on the Google Search Network. The objectives are to develop qualified traffic, because by the precise choice of your keywords you will be able to target your audience very clearly. Then, to position your website on the Google search results related to your activity. And finally, to promote your company’s offer according to the seasonality of your market.

Google Ads

Our support for SEO and SEA referencing

Both SEO and SEA are important for businesses. They need to be done correctly in order to get the best results. It’s a lot of work to do it yourself, but with our support, you can focus on what you are good at and we will take care of the rest. The SEO process takes a lot of time and hard work. It’s important to have someone else do the work for you and help you. That’s what we offer, help with all the hard stuff.

Element site web
Element site web

Customized offers for search engine optimization and sponsorship

Pack Technique

A partir de

200 /TTC Mois
  • Audit complet du site
  • Optimisation de la méta-description
  • Optimisation du titre de la page
  • Optimisation des images
  • Optimisation des balises d'entêtes
  • Normalisation des URLs
  • Optimisation de la vitesse
  • Mise en place des liens internes
  • Suppression des liens cassés
  • Soumission du sitemap XML
  • Configuration de Robot.txt

Pack SEO Pro

A partir de

250 /TTC Mois
  • Tout le pack SEO TECHNIQUE
  • Recherche et proposition de mots-clés
  • Optimisation locale ou nationale
  • Conseils pour l'optimisation du contenu
  • Intégration de Google Search Console
  • Intégration de Google Analytics
  • L’ajout des back links de qualité

Pack SEO + SEA

A partir de

300 /TTC Mois
  • Tout le pack SEO PRO
  • Suivi de positions mensuels
  • Achat des mots clés sur la recherche Google
  • Création et configuration des médias publicitaires
  • Lancement et gestion des campagnes publicitaires