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The Branding, This is your virtual image

Branding is essential for any type of business: large or small, B2B or B2C, and product or service businesses. It helps to gain recognition, build relationships with the public and increase revenue. In fact, more than 50% of consumers prefer to buy products from well-known brands.

However, branding is not unique. Service brands, for example, will have different strategies for communicating with their audience compared to manufacturing companies. They offer different offers and put forward particular Unique Selling Points (USPs).

Visual identity

The importance of the graphic charter

The graphic charter is designed to adapt to all situations and all media, a graphic charter ensures the consistency of communication and brand identity of a company.


The graphic charter is composed of several elements that create your brand identity. There is a visual code to respect in order to have a coherent visual communication. A clear, concise and complete graphic charter will ensure the good diffusion of your visual identity as well as simplified relations with your collaborators and providers.

Element site web
Element site web
Element site web
Element site web

Marketing strategy and consulting

What are the benefits of marketing to a specific audience?

Marketing to a specific audience is an important part of any marketing campaign. This can be done by targeting your marketing message to a specific group of people. This can be achieved through the use of demographic or psychographic data.